April 1, 2010

First Post =D

Hello! So I recently attempted to start keeping a journal. That didn't work out to well. I felt like I was talking to myself and it just made me even crazier! So after talking with some online friends (pretty much the only kind of friends I have at the moment), I came to the conclusion that a blog may work for me. I attempted blogging in high school but for some reason never really had anything I felt was worth telling people.

Well now I realize that whether this blog actually gets read or not doesn't really matter. With my life changing so much so fast I need something to record everything and help to keep me sane. So to my possible readers, here is my first ever serious blog. My goal is to blog everyday at least once if not more. The fact that I can blog from my blackberry will make keeping that goal even easier. I plan to use this blog to record the random things that happen in my everyday life, the milestones my baby will reach when she gets here (19 days til due date!), the random funny things my husband and his friends bring to my attention, and well pretty much anything I feel like being reminded of on later days.

If I end up getting regular readers I will add new things to my blog to keep things interesting. If you are a regular reader then follow my blog so I know your there. If I say something you feel you want or possibly need to comment on then feel free. Don't worry about what you say (its your opinion after all), and I wont get whiny or throw a fit over it. If you happen to have advice for me on the new marriage or new baby I would love to hear it. If your reading this then thank you for taking the time to do so. If not, then I guess I must be crazy because I'm talking to myself. =D

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