April 8, 2010

SeVynn is here!!

I know, I know. The goal was once a day. I've failed a second time. However, I have a good reason this time too. This reason is way better then the last though. Wanna hear it?

So last time remember how I told yall they told me I was in labor as of Friday evening? Well Sunday night things go way worse. I was in so much pain I could barely stand up. So my mom took me to the hospital in our town to see if I was dilated enough to take the thirty minute drive to the hospital I was planning to deliver at. Turns out I was up to 3 cm but they didn't think it would be a good idea for me to drive to the other hospital. They wanted to send me home, but didn't want me to go to the other hospital. Well right as they were getting ready to discharge me my water broke! So they had to keep me. I was kind of upset that my doctor who I had grown a very strong trust for wasn't going to be the doctor to deliver my baby but I knew I had to stay and do what was safest for my babygirl.

Well they kept me all night and I continued to lose water all night. The whole family stayed at the hospital waiting for something to happen but around 7 am everyone was tired and I wasn't really progressing so they all left me and my husband to go get some sleep making us promise the second something changed that we would call. Well around 10 the midwife for the hospital I was at comes in and tells me that my water didn't break and that she had to send me home but I needed to call my doctor to see if he wanted to see me. So we hesitantly leave. At this point I'm beyond pissed because I had been in labor so long and it didn't seem like anyone wanted to help me. On the way home I call my doctor and he tells me I need to get to the hospital right away.

At this point my husband is so tired from staying up with me all weekend that he can barely drive another block so we go home and I call my mom and tell her I need her to take me up so my husband can get some rest. So my mom comes to get me and off to the hospital for a 3rd time we go. Well we get there and my doctor checks and my water did in fact break. My doctor was so mad that the other hospital discharged me. Turns out my water had been leaking but not fast enough to move things along. So he breaks the bag the rest of the way. We call my husband and tell him he needs to get there ASAP. Before he even really has time to have driven the distance between our house and the hospital he is there next to me. I'm progressing at a good rate and the doctor tells us it won't be much longer.

In my original birth plan I was going to do this without pain medication of any kind. But after a whole weekend of being in labor I really just couldn't handle anymore. After a long discussion with my husband and him reassuring me that it was okay for me to do it I got an epidural. This was around 3:30. For the next 2 hours I feel absolutely no pain. When the pain finally does start coming back I'm up to 8 cm and progressing very fast. At this point the waiting room is packed full of people waiting for my little girl to make her grand entrance. I'm not sure what time I had started pushing or for how long I pushed. I just know that it was fairly easy at first even though I felt EVERYTHING by this time. When it was time to get her head out things got pretty scary for me and my mom. My husband kept his cool and tried his hardest to keep me relaxed and breathing properly. Eventually the doctor decided we would have to use the suction thing to get her head out and when this happened I couldn't breathe between pushes because everytime I tried nothing came out but a very loud scream. It was so painful. I had to have an episiotomy but didn't even know until afterward when the doctor was sewing me up. I didn't tear at all though thank goodness.

Well at 6:27 my babygirl was finally out and once I seen her the pain didn't matter anymore. She was 5 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches long. Even though she is so small the doctors say she is very healthy. We had a little bit of a problem with breast feeding and my milk isn't really coming in enough to satisfy her yet so we are having to feed her formula for now. Other then that everything is perfect. She only lost 4 ounces since birth which they said is completely fine. We came home this afternoon and I couldn't be happier. My husband is doing so good with her and is eager to learn all the things he needs to know. He doesn't have any prior experience with babies but if you seen him interact with SeVynn you'd never be able to tell. Our little family is complete. Well for now at least.

Here we are just about 20 minutes after she was born


SeVynn and her daddy

Doing all she knows how to right now

Time to go home!

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